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Medigap Plan C

Medigap Plan C is not to be confused with Medicare Part C, or Medicare Advantage. Medigap Plan C is one of the most complete Medicare Supplement plans. It offers a wide range of benefits that basic policies like Plan A and Plan B don’t.

What does Medigap Plan C cover?

Medigap Plan C covers almost all of the benefits that a Medicare Supplement plan can offer, such as:

  • Part A coinsurance payments for inpatient hospital care up to an additional year after your Medicare benefits have been expended
  • Part B coinsurance and copays
  • Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) and Part A Hospice Care coinsurance and copays
  • Part A and Part B deductibles
  • First three pints of blood for a medical procedure 
  • Foreign travel emergency expenses (up to your plan’s limit)
  • Part B preventive care coinsurance 

The only thing that Plan C doesn’t take care of are your Medicare Part B excess charges. These are incurred when the amount that a doctor or medical provider is legally allowed to charge is higher than the Medicare-approved amount.

Medigap Plan C can be a great option for those who require semi-frequent visits to the doctor or hospital, along with people who want coverage for overseas travel.

Is Medicare Plan C discontinued?

One very important detail regarding Plan C is that it has been discontinued for those who became eligible for Medicare on or after January 1, 2020. Therefore, if you are currently new to Medicare, you will not be eligible for Plan C. 

However, if you qualified for Medicare before January 1, 2020 but didn’t sign up for Plan C coverage when you were first eligible, you may still have the opportunity to enroll. Nevertheless, Plan C is by no means the most popular Medicare Supplement out there, with only 5% of Medigap enrollees choosing this plan in 2019. 

And don’t worry, if you are already enrolled in Plan C, you will probably be able to keep your coverage.

If you were interested in enrolling in Plan C but have discovered that you are not eligible due to its discontinuation, Plan G may be a good alternative for you. 

To discuss your Medigap plan options, reach out to a licensed insurance agent here at Medicare Plans Direct today.